
My races experience!

During the last year, I participated in two races:
Helsinki City Run (HCR): May, 2009
Stockholm Half Marathon (SHM): September, 2009

For my first race, HCR, I didn't follow any training program but ran mostly with Javier who was following for the Stockholm Marathon. Needless to say, I went on running with him but followed him with my limits. I would run less or shorter  intervals depending what his program said. I think the reason I developed the endurance needed for the HCR was running outdoor from the end of February in Helsinki: the ice-cold weather and snowy/icy paths made this possible. By spring, my legs were stronger and faster because of the conditions I ran during the winter, and my Heart Rate (HR) drop down considerably. I was very proud to be able to finish the race and didn't care much about the time: 2h 03' 13'

When it was time to get ready for the SHM, I decided to follow a training program from Runner's World to get faster. Considering my lack of experience, I re-wrote the program taking into account my limits (for example, my longest runs were around 23km). I followed the program during the summer in Helsinki, and it was a great experience. Javier was away so I had to learn to run by myself and was able to log 40 to 50 km/week with my Nike +. For what it worth, I completed with a Personal Best (PB) and felt great during the race! My time was 1h 53' 02'' and learned a good lesson: protect my nipples from rubbing against the t-shirt; the bleeding was real pain after km 16, and it took times to recover from it (scabs included!)

If I have to compare both experience, I have to say that I enjoyed SHM better than HCR. The water points were well-organized and larger than in Helsinki, there was a larger selection of food, in Stockholm, bands playing all around the course and the possibility to have a massage at the finishing line!


Tania said...

Hi Efesor!
Thanks for visit my blog.
Great chrono in your races.
I will continue following you.
I added your blog to my favorite list.

Unknown said...


I will be updating the blog with new info and my trainings for this year!

Rafa said...

Hi Efesor,I tell you the same as Tania, thanks for visit my blog.
I want to go to your other blog "EFESOR" but I don't know why it's not possible.
So I suppose I'll can connect with you across this blog.
Related the languaje I undertand we can write also in Spanish (castellano), my Castellano it's a little bit better as my English jejejeje.
We are in contact and i'll follow you

Unknown said...

Si! Puedes ver en el nombre del blog que soy gaditano, pero vivo en Helsinki y la gente que conoce mis entrenamientos aquí hablan en inglés. Además, las revistas y articulos que leo sobre running son en inglés, con lo que es más cómodo para mi escribir así. Lo cierto es que hay términos que no se como son en español (como personal best, pronation...).

Gracias por pasarte, intentaré escribir sobre cosas interesantes no solo sobre mis entrenamientos, sino articulos y reflexiones!

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