La soledad del corredor (en el gym también)
Unfortunately, I have to extend for 2 more weeks my stay in Bahrain. It is actually very good for my job; not for my running. I work long hours and I don't even think about going for a walk outdoor; it's just too hot in here.
I decided to change some routines and visit the gym as much as I can. Today I spent one hour and used the treadmill. It felt as usually: I hate it! Here are the numbers:
When I arrived to my workplace I found out that we have a new desk at the Zain Football Zone. They have a body composition analyzer for free! The guy promoting this service does not have much idea about it so I didn't care much of his recommendation. Nonetheless, I would appreciate your comments. Here we go:
Body Type: Standard
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 167cm
Weight: 68.3kg
BMI: 25
BMR: 7390 kJ // 1786 kcal
Fat % 11.8
Fat Mass 8.2kg
FFM 61.4kg
TBW 44.8kg
Visceral fat rating 2
Whole Body 492
Right Leg 215
Left Leg 222
Right Arm 249
Left Arm 253
Right Leg
Fat % 11.7
Fat Mass 1.4kg
FFM 10.8kg
Predicted Muscle Mass 10.3kg
Left Leg
Fat % 13.1
Fat Mass 1.6kg
FFM 10.3kg
Predicted Muscle Mass 9.8kg
Right Arm
Fat % 12.9
Fat Mass 0.6kg
FFM 3.7kg
Predicted Muscle Mass 3.5kg
Left Arm
Fat % 13.3
Fat Mass 0.6kg
FFM 3.7kg
Predicted Muscle Mass 3.5kg
Fat %11.8
Fat Mass 4.4kg
FFM 32.9kg
Predicted Muscle Mass 31.6kg
FAT% 8-20
FAT MASS 5.4-15.4kg
I think it looks pretty good. Considering that 2 years ago, when I started running, I was 78.5kg :-)
Any comments?
Poco a poco te preocupará más meter calorías al cuerpo que quitarlas.
Hay que aprovechar para entrenar cuando y donde se puede.
Mucho número y lo más importante es que tú te encuentres bien y a gusto con lo que tienes.
Un saludo.
A todos los que entrenan en cinta, a la verdad, que los respeto y muchooo!!
Buenos númeritos Jose!
¿Rango deseable del 8-20% grasa? Uhmmm... ¿para hacer qué?
Si no te has hecho ya una prueba de esfuerzo, no lo dudes. No se trata sólo de saber tus "porcentajes" sino de que alguien (cualificado) te informe y asesore. Además, ¿dónde están las cifras del motor que bombea gasolina mientras corres?
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