
From Bahrain with love

It has been over a month since I last posted on this blog. There are always good excuses, but I could have also sat down and write what was going on. After the great experience at the Helsinki City Run I spent two weeks in Spain. The first week in Madrid I went for a run three times, in three different places. The meeting with other bloggers was a fantastic experience that I hope you have again. Thank you guys, I loved it!

The following week I visited the family in Algeciras. I also run three days and realize how much pollution is in the area. It was very hard to breath properly and didn't enjoy the running as I usually do. One day, I visited the outdoor track and trained with my cousin who has been running since... always! He helped me with my technique and gave me very good tips.

Back in Helsinki I only had 4 days before going to deliver a service to Manama (Bahrain) where I am right now. I loved running again in Helsinki, perfect temperature and clean air. Here in Bahrain, I try to go to the gym as much as I can, but I work around 12 hours everyday and is not really possible. Running outside is not really gonna happen: the temperature here is around 40 to 45 ° C even at night time. Who would dare?

I will have more time to train for longer and better in Helsinki. Also for the planing for the races I want to join for the autumn.

Thaks for reading, habibis!


Jan said...

solo imaginarme correr a 45 grados...

mucho curro... ya nos comentaste cuando nos vimos en madrid

un fuerte abrazo

Anonymous said...

A 45 grados no se corre, se fríe.
No pude asistir a esa quedada, una pena, seguro que nos vemos en la siguiente.

Raquel said...

Holaaaaaaaaaa!! ¿Cómo va el corto?¿¿ Y te acuerdas q después de la quedada corredil ibas a un concierto¿?¿ Espero que al final no te dormieras jajaja

Fue un muy bonito encuentro en un lugar precioso con mucho encanto!!

Te voy leyendoooo!!! Ya nos vas contando las carreraaa!!!

Besossss que allí no se dan muchoss jajaja

Unknown said...

bien aprovechado ese tiempo en spain, si señor... no sabia yo q eras de algeciras! (o no lo recordaba ^^')

descansa los dias por alli a ver si te va a dar algo con ese calor, break time! =)

un saludo!

Tania said...

Hola Jose!
Un gustazo conocerte!!
40 a 45 grados uffff correr imposible, andar quizás!
Nos seguimos leyendo,